Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Viking Clothing Resources

Still a work in progress; I will be adding more information as I gather it.  

Simple Viking Clothing for Men (pdf)
Simple Viking Clothing for Women (pdf)
    Both of the above are from http://thorsonandsvava.sccspirit.com, an SCA website for Royalty of the East (2004).
Wychwood Kit Resources - Resource page by the Wychwood Warriors (aka the Oxford University Historical Reenactment Society). Resources for male and female garb, bling, wallets, armour, etc.
Recreating Viking Clothing 
The Viking Answer Lady - SCAdian, a great resource for most anything Viking.
Recreating Viking Clothing, by Hilde Thunem: Great site, as much for research as patterns.

Viking Men: Clothing the Legs
Thorsberg: dated 100-300 BCE
Rus: tba

Overview: Viking Tunic Construction, by Þóra Sharptooth. Includes information on jackets and trims also.
Thorsberg: tba
Other one: tba

Head wear:
'Coifs': I use headscarves, rather than coifs as are found in later periods. A simple square of cloth, long enough to tie around my head and hang down far enough to cover my hair (helps keep it clean at dusty events!)
Skjoldehamn hood: A Tunic and Hood from Skjold Harbour

Viking Age Dyes, a Brief Overview (academia.edu)

Apron Dress:
Vidgis' Apron Pattern - Easy to fit to your measurements. I believe the straps in the finds are usually 1/2" wide, so you can use straps half the width that she calls for.

Sark (Underdress):
Honestly, I use this: Elizabethan Smock Pattern Generator. I sew the neck in first, and modify the outline to fit Viking finds. I modify the underarm gussets as needed, which varies for each person.

Ladies Coat:
The Red Jacket

Jewelry: tba

Weapons: tba

Shoes: tba

Monday, July 6, 2015

My SCA Timeline

I usually attend two events a month, on average, and often help with clean up & teardown. Below are highlights.

~~ 2019 ~~

June: University #101, Barony of Black Diamond:
  • Taught Leathercare 101 (first time teaching)

  • Relocated to Barony of Black Diamond

January: Ice Castles Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
  • A&S: Open display of Anglo-Saxon Seax Sheath. 
January: Kingdom Twelfth Night, Atlantia:
  • A&S:Competed my first scroll. Entered it into, and won, ‘Best Scroll Border’ competition. Scroll: Staffordshire Hoard Seax Scroll 

~~ 2018 ~~

  • Martial:Started a Facebook group for Youth Combat in Tir-y-don and Marinus. As I was marshaling for two baronies, this seemed the easiest way to coordinate practices.

  • Martial:Officially became Youth Armoured Combat Marshal for Tir-y-don.&

  • Martial:Started organizing Youth Armoured Combat practices in Tir-y-don.

~~ 2017 ~~

October: War of the Wings:
  • Martial:Completed Marshal training for both Youth and Adult Heavy Combat.

September: Rip Rap War.
  • Service: Inducted into the Atlantian Order of the Opal (AoA-level service award).
  • Service: Stepped down as Seneschal of Tir-y-don at the monthly business meeting.

~~ 2016 ~~

March: Kingdom Arts & Sciences:
  • A&S: Displayed Viking Coat - a modern trench coat (‘suede’ with wool pelt lining) being modified onto a Viking caftan.

~~ 2015 ~~

March: Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday & 40th Anniversary.
  • Martial: Inducted into the Atlantian Order of the Osprey (AoA-level fighting award)
  • Service: Inducted into the Baronial Order of the Swan and Cygnet (service award).&
  • Service: Stepped up as Seneschal for Tir-y-Don.

~~ 2014 ~~

April: Spring Coronation:
  • Squired to Sir Harald Brandarm of Dun Carraig, Atlantia.

March: Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday:
  • Martial:Inducted into the Baronial Order of the Orca (fighting award for prowess & chivalry)

~~ 2013 ~~

October: Fall Coronation:
  • Received my Award of Arms.

September: Bacon Wars: A Haus Divided:
  • A&S:Displayed Jewelry Box. Modern materials, period-based artwork on outside, with documentation.

March: Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday:
  • Martial:Authorized as a heavy fighter.

  • A&S:Entered and won (to my complete shock) the A&S competition, for food. I made carrageen pudding, with documentation. Delicious, easy, and fairly quick to make.

~~ 2012 ~~

March: Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday:
  • Attended first event as guest. I've been told I couldn't have been more distracted if I tried - and no, there weren't even any horses there =)

For anyone interested, here is a link to the full Atlantian Order of Precedence, with information on awards & recipients. 

An Introduction ~

I am Þóra Hrafnsdottir of Tir-y-don, Atlantia. I am a heavy fighter; I also do Arts & Sciences, and make most of my armour and garb.

I am squired to Harald Brandarm of Dun Carraig, Atlantia, and current Seneschal of Tir-y-don, Atlantia.

The title of the blog comes from my original heraldry - I describe it as five swords within a red ribbon pierced with five needles. The swords for my fighting, the needles for my fiber arts, and the ribbon for the blood of life. This is now my badge: Argent, five swords in annulo, points to center sable within an annulet gules.

I submitted a new device in the winter of 2016, and kept one sword, one needle, and the red ribbon - though the ribbon is now a chief (a bar across the top) rather than a circle. I also added a raven to the device. This was registered in February of 2017: Argent, a raven rising perched upon and maintaining a sword fesswise sable, on a chief gules a needle argent.

My Arts & Sciences:
  • spinning - mostly wool
  • tablet weaving
  • sewing
  • embroidery - crewel work, regular embroidery, and modern cross-stitch
  • some leather working - for armour, pouches, and the like
  • some leather tooling